About Smoking and Kids
What is the problem?
- Use of tobacco products is the nation's deadliest addiction.
- A youth-centered prevention strategy is the nation's best response.
- Every day 3,000 young people become regular smokers.
- Every year 400,000 people die from diseases caused by tobacco use.
What is the solution?
- Higher taxes on tobacco products
- Tougher regulation of tobacco ads that appeal to youngsters
- Policies to curtail
tobacco use by children and adolescents
- Regulation of tobacco products
as part of consumer safety, food, and drug legislation
- Programs such as smoke-free zones
that help make tobacco use socially unacceptable
- Youth-centered tobacco research
- We offer no-cost presentations for middle- and high-schoolers
regarding nicotine addiction and the health effects of smoking.
Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People: A Report of
the Surgeon General (Executive Summary),
MMWR 43(RR-4);1-10,
Publication date: 03/11/1994